Friday, September 25, 2015

Book fair,Scholastic News,Open House and Science

The school book fair opens on Monday. Our class will go on Monday. If you and your child found books to buy in the flyer that came home, feel free to send in money for Monday. The students all make wish lists at the class visit time so you can also wait till later in the week or Open House to buy books.

Open House is Thursday,October 1 at 6:30. Class visits begin at 7:00. I'm looking forward to seeing you!

Please send in the $6.00 for Scholastic News! This is a wonderful resource and I need all of the money to place the order.

Today we learned about the 3 states of matter. The scientists in  Room 111 recited observations of a solid(Alka Seltzer tablet) and a liquid (water). Then they observed what changed when the solid was put in the liquid! Ask them!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Dot Day

Today Springdale celebrated Dot Day. This is a day to reinforce the idea that we all have something to say and a contribution to make. During their specials time today all classes worked on a mural outside. 
In class we made transformations of a dot and then wrote about that transformation. 
If you have not sent in your emergency form, please do so 
There is no school on Wednesday the 23rd. 
Enjoy the weekend. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

First Week

We did it! We had a successful first week of school! It was wonderful to meet and begin to get to know each other. 

Please send in the emergency and digital media use forms that you received with the class assignment in August. If you need copies let me know.